Federation Statement
We, the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America, support the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ statement that separating children from their mothers and fathers at the United States/Mexico border is immoral. Protecting the integrity of families is foundational for a healthy and just society. We also cry out against the recent
Day 3: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time
Daily update: Friday, June 15, 2018 Barbara Flores, SCN welcomed the leadership and Pat Wilson, SCH led the opening prayer with the theme, “In This Moment of Time.” Florence Hee, OSF then asked those present to reflect on what God is asking as they create a shared future for the
Day 2: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time
Daily update: Thursday, June 14, 2018 Deborah Humphreys, SCSE opened the meeting by introducing facilitator, Florence Hee, OSF. Florence outlined the process for the meeting, reminding the leadership of the Intentions: “ Through contemplative dialogue and deep listening we, as Federation will: Continue to identify and honor the diversity among
Day 1: Creating a Shared Future … Now is the Time
Daily update: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 As Sisters representing 14 congregations gathered in Halifax for the Sisters of Charity Federation Leadership Gathering, Maryanne Ruzzo, SCH introduced the members of the planning committee and the Sisters of Charity Halifax and their support staff. After recognizing the Mi’kmaw nation, the aboriginal people
Sister of Charity on Panel at UN
Sister Melissa Camardo, SCL, had the incredible opportunity to speak on a panel with world leaders in the movement to eradicate human trafficking during a meeting at the United Nations on May 22. Co-sponsored by the Holy See and the Santa Marta group, the event’s title was “Police and Religious
Board Meeting in South Korea
The Sisters of Charity Federation places a strong emphasis on fostering solidarity by deepening and widening relationships among the Federation congregations by attending to the inter-cultural, international, and multi-generational realities of the congregations. This emphasis is what urged the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill to invite the Federation board
CCFP Federation Meeting Held at Jersey Shore
The Company of Charity Formation Personnel of the Sisters of Charity Federation held its annual meeting April 17-20 hosted by the New Jersey Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. Attendees gathered at Maris Stella, the congregation’s Retreat and Conference Center in Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Its
Invitation to minister in Belize
The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have been ministering in Belize, Central America since 1975. Still today, they are continuing to explore and dream possibilities to enhance the current reality and the need for sisters to consider ministry, short and/or long term, in the country. You may ask yourself, “What
Ministry with the people of Peru
Sister Rita Coumont first arrived to Peru nearly 48 years ago. The Sister of Charity of the Immaculate Conception came at a time of great change in the country, when the military was redistributing land. Her experiences in ministry are as diverse as the places, cultures and people she encountered.
Sisters of Charity Federation Visioning Session
Sisters from member congregations of the Sisters of Charity Federation paused for a quick photo Friday evening, March 9th before dinner and the start of their weekend visioning session in Marillac Center, Leavenworth, Kansas. Joining the participants for refreshments and dinner were the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth community officers.