In the news
17 Dec
Vincentian Family in Rome
The Convocation of the Vincentian Family in Rome November 14-17, 2024 was a gathering of Faith, Unity, and Service. More than 300 members of the Vincentian
17 Sep
Recordings of Elizabeth Ann Seton’s 250th Birthday Celebration
Sisters Sung Hae Kim, SC Seton Hill and Maureen Wild, SC Halifax presented the Ecological Spirituality of Elizabeth Ann Seton in celebration of Saint Elizabeth
26 Aug
Sisters of Charity Federation Annual Meeting
The Sisters of Charity Federation met earlier this summer for their annual meeting. The Sisters of Charity Federation Leadership Meeting opened Wednesday evening, June 12,
03 May
Federation prepares for leadership meeting
The Sisters of Charity Federation leadership teams will gather for their annual leadership meeting June 12-16, 2024, in Kentucky. The theme for this year’s meeting,
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As an associate, affiliate, sister, NGO representative, nonprofit, volunteer or community citizen, we want you to be part of the ministry of the Sisters of Charity Federation. From advocacy and prayer to service and action, there are many ways to serve the marginalized in your community and abroad.

The House of Charity New Orleans is a collaborative hospitality and service ministry dedicated to helping in rebuilding efforts following Hurricane Katrina. The House offers opportunities for vocational discernment and volunteer service, especially to young adults.
Volunteer with HOC
Associates & Affiliates are lay women and men that formally partner with vowed members of a congregation to witness in the mission of the Church. While remaining independent, they share the same spirit of charity towards the poor and participate in prayer & activities with the sisters.
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The Federation NGO gives a voice to the poor on an international platform and provides firsthand knowledge to decision makers in areas like Economic Development, Human Rights, and Women & Children. Serve as an NGO liaison or attend a UN meeting with our representative.
United Nations NGO News