Joined Together in the Mission of Charity


Working together in the mission of charity

The Daughters and Sisters of Charity of North America formed the first federation in 1947 to promote the canonization of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. As the relationships among the congregations developed, inter-congregational groups began to meet and collaborate on topics of formation, spirituality, higher education, and justice issues.

Since the canonization in 1975, the congregations of the federation have continued to collaborate around NGO status and staff at the United Nations, vocation promotion, formation at all levels, archives, communications, shared ministries, Seton writings, grassroots gatherings, Vincentian and Setonian spirituality, associates and affiliates, higher education, House of Charity, the federation office, advocacy and social justice issues.

Collaborative Groups

The Charity Earth Network is an organization of Sisters and Associates who are interested in reflecting on ecology and sustainability from the perspective of the Vincentian/Setonian charism, sharing information and resources, and supporting one another in advocacy efforts for a more sustainable Earth.

September 2020 Newsletter

January 2018 Newsletter

September 2017 Newsletter

April 2017 Network Newsletter

January 2017 Network Newsletter

September 2016 Network Newsletter

The Company of Charity Formation Personnel (CCFP) includes the directors of vocations, formation, associates and volunteer programs of all the federation congregations as well as the congregational leaders who are responsible for those areas. The purpose of the group is to foster collaboration and networking across the federation in the areas of new membership, formation at all levels, and emerging models for living the charism. They host service opportunities to experience and reflect on the charism. They use technology to simplify and connect, especially through on-line discernment retreats and sharing of digital formation materials. CCFP dreamed the House of Charity New Orleans into existence and facilitates the growth of the Future of Charity group.

The SC Federation Archivists work individually and collectively to preserve the history and legacies of the Sisters and Daughters of Charity and of the Sisters of Charity Federation. They meet annually and communicate consistently to provide scholars with resources and to create searchable media collections and online exhibits. They collaborate with Seton Heritage Ministries to create federation exhibits for the museum. The federation archivists research and plan how to articulate and preserve the story and current reality of the federation. Visit their web site

Read more about the Federation Archivists

Federation Connections

The Federation Connections Committee of Metro New York gathers members of the Sisters of Charity of New York, Sisters of Charity-Halifax, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth and the Daughters of Charity to plan and execute regional grassroots events for sisters and associates/affiliates in the New Jersey and New York area. Recent topics have included “The Year of Mercy meets the Charity Charism” and “Wake Up the World with the Gift of Charity."

2017 Grassroots Gathering

The SC Federation Communicators seek to advance the mission of the Sisters and Daughters of Charity through the sharing of sister stories and congregational news in their respective congregations. The group collaborates to tell the federation stories through digital file sharing and meets annually to share ideas and discuss best practices for organizations of women religious.

The Seton Writings Project seeks to compile and complete chronological documents written to and about Elizabeth Seton and the Seton and Bayley families. The Seton Writings Project has produced the four-volume Elizabeth Bayley Seton Collected Writings as well as multiple scholarly articles and documents. Most recently the project has compiled the first-ever comprehensive finding aid of letters about Elizabeth Seton and the early community histories and growth of the Emmitsburg and Nazareth Sisters of Charity communities. The project also underscores the historical significance of our pioneer congregations in the North American church and society. A richer understanding of our beginnings will benefit all who live, share, and reflect upon the Gospel charism of Charity today. Those involved in this Vincentian-Setonian research and scholarship project collaborate with each other, federation and other archivists, translators, historians and researchers in and beyond the Vincentian family. In addition, their materials are included in DePaul University’s Vincentian Heritage online library.

Read more about Seton Writings  Visit DePaul University Library Website

Sisters who joined federation congregations since 1970 gather every two years as the Charity Moving Forward group (formerly 1970s and Beyond). The group is committed to building supportive peer relationships for the sake of mission, engaging in challenging conversations which delve deeper into our commitment to charity, sharing experiences of ministry and community to learn from one another and enhance collaboration, and gathering for enrichment, prayer and input on topics related to our lives of service and our shared future. Their most recent gathering was in July 2023.

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