Sisters of Charity of New York conclude 200 Year Anniversary Events
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul celebrated 200 years of service in the year 2017. As the Sisters put it, it is “a story of thousands of lives serving God’s poor, a story of tough love and high standards, a story of caring and compassion, a story
Hazard Yet Forward: Annual Meeting 2017 Videos Available
Leaders from our 13 congregations came together in New York June 1-5, 2017 for the Sisters of Charity Federation Annual Leadership Meeting, hosted by the Sisters of Charity of New York. A handful of the talks and panel discussions were recorded on video: Sr. Teresa Kotturan’s NGO Presentation, the Panel
Day 4: Hazard Yet Forward
Sister Deborah Humphreys, SC-StE welcomed the Sisters to the fourth day of the Federation annual meeting. After introductions at the table, Sister Florence Hee, OSF presented the theme of the morning prayer and faith sharing: confronting racism. In the first session of the morning, Seton Heritage Ministries Board Chair Sister
Federation Annual Meeting Starts in One Week
Sixty-nine leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America will gather in Tarrytown, New York June 1-5 for their 2017 Annual Leadership Meeting, hosted this year by the Sisters of Charity of New York. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters
The Stand Against Climate Change
The road to Paris has been a long one, faced with global and local difficulties. The 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference, also known as COP21, aims to create a universal and applicable legal and non-legal instrument with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
UN Adopts Sustainable Development Goals
World leaders at the United Nations officially adopted the 17 sustainable development goals at their September 25 meeting, which will seek to address climate change, education, hunger, gender inequality and poverty on a global level. The goals in the document, Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, can