Joined Together in the Mission of Charity

Vocation Discernment

Welcome! We are the Vocation Core Team for the Sisters of Charity Federation. If you are a single, Catholic woman interested in exploring religious life in the Charity charism, we're here to serve you. Please reach out to us by email at

Sisters Helene Allain, NDSC, Les Religieuses de Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur
Rejane Cytacki, SCL, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Regina Hlavac, DC, Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise
Tracy Kemme, SC, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Christine Kunze, SCN, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Upcoming Events

  • Discernment night (Zoom): Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023; 7:00-8:30 p.m. ET


United in Prayer for Vocations

A monthly prayer service is being prepared by each branch in our federation. The purpose is to pray for vocations, to help us learn a bit more about the charisms of each of our congregations, keep us engaged collaboratively in vocation ministry and bring us closer to seeing ourselves sharing a common mission of Charity for the present and the future.

Sisters of Charity Federation ©
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