Federation marks transition at the UN
In October, Sisters of Charity Federation staff, NGO liaisons and guests gathered in New Jersey to honor outgoing UN NGO representative Sister Teresa Kotturan, SCN, and to welcome Dr. James (Jimmy) Walters, who will begin serving as SC Federation NGO representative in January 2023. A dinner was held Oct. 14
Living in New York during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sister Teresa Kotturan, SCN, is the NGO representative at the UN for the Sisters of Charity Federation. This was written on April 22 from her apartment in the Bronx. Living in New York during the COVID -19 pandemic is a unique experience–a desert experience in a city that never sleeps.
Where Do You Stand on Ending Homelessness?
“Am I passionate about ending homelessness?” That question was raised at the UN Commission for Social Development 58 this past February. It resonated with me since it was followed up by a speaker saying: “If we were passionate about ending homelessness, homelessness would end.” It was a WOW moment! What
March 2020 NGO News
Read the latest newsletter from Sister Teresa Kotturan, SCN, Sisters of Charity Federation NGO representative to the United Nations View/download PDF
UN addresses homelessness in historic resolution
“The 58th Session of the Commission for Social Development has historic significance. For the first time, the UN has issued a resolution on homelessness, describing it and calling on member states to measure it. This is a testament to the power of advocacy, collaboration and partnerships among NGOs, people who
UN Update: Climate Action Summit
By Sister Teresa Kotturan, SCN Sisters of Charity Federation NGO Representative to the United Nations Climate change is a defining issue of our times. This fact was brought to the forefront a week ago, when more than 4 million people, mainly children and youth, took part in climate protects in
Day 4: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time
Daily update: June 16, 2018 Mary McCormick, SCNY opened the meeting, thanking the Halifax congregation for the dinner cruise the evening before. Pat Wilson, SCH led the Federation in prayer, which included a Danish video, All that We Share, about seeing beyond differences to the commonalities among people. Joan Cook,
Call for recommitment to peace on International Day of Peace
Today is the International Day of Peace. The Sisters of Charity Federation has signed onto a letter with 131 organizations worldwide that urges greater commitment from all governments to foster sustainable peace. The statement calls for the international community and the United Nations General Assembly to 1) fully embrace the
UN negotiated Legally Binding Treaty Banning all Nuclear Weapons
One-hundred-twenty-two Member States of the United Nations voted to adopt a Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on July 7, 2017. It is the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons, and it may eventually lead to their total elimination. All the nine nuclear armed countries and
Hazard Yet Forward: Annual Meeting 2017 Videos Available
Leaders from our 13 congregations came together in New York June 1-5, 2017 for the Sisters of Charity Federation Annual Leadership Meeting, hosted by the Sisters of Charity of New York. A handful of the talks and panel discussions were recorded on video: Sr. Teresa Kotturan’s NGO Presentation, the Panel