Lenten Video Reflections

Christians worldwide are anticipating the liturgical season of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6. But what does it really mean to observe 40 days of Lent in 2019? What is the relevance today of the traditions and practices of fasting and almsgiving? How does prayer work into all

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Charity Earth Network Newsletter January 2019

Read the January 2019 newsletter from the Charity Earth Network. Download/view PDF

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SC Federation members at NRVC

Several Sisters of Charity Federation members attended the National Religious Vocation Conference’s 30th anniversary convocation Nov. 1-5 in Buffalo, New York. In addition to participating in the sessions, they enjoyed the opportunity to meet together Friday evening.

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Nuns on the Bus

The Nuns on the Bus Tax Justice Truth tour will make its final stop today in Mar-a-lago, Florida. Sisters of Charity Federation congregation members joined the tour as riders and as participants at town halls at various stops along the way. The tour included 54 events in 21 states over

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Sisters of St. Martha support community housing project

  The Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, are an active member of the Antigonish Affordable Housing Society (AAHS). On Oct. 20, the AAHS celebrated the official opening of phase two of Riverside Estates, a multi-family complex. Sister Stella Chafe, CSM, spoke on behalf of the congregation.

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Sisters of Charity Halifax Celebrate 50 Years in Peru

On October 4, 1968 the Sisters of Charity Halifax began a mission of evangelization and solidarity with the people of Peru that would span the communities of La Victoria in Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Lima and Ilo. 50 years later, the Sisters could have never imagined the jubilation and excitement leading up to the

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Charity Federation Retreat

“Charity Friendship: Deepening Our Relationships through Contemplative Conversations” was the theme of the Charity Federation Grassroots Retreat, Sept. 11-16,  hosted by Marillac Center, the spirituality center of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs), Leavenworth, Kan. Participants included 26 SCLs and eight sisters from other Charity Federation communities. Sister Judith

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Traditions Fill SCL 160th Anniversary Observance

From start to the finish, the Aug. 1 observance of the 160thanniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs) resounded with traditions. Theme for the one-day celebration was “Moments of Grace.” The day began with morning prayer in Annunciation Chapel followed by Mass. The prayer included

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Day 4: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time

Daily update: June 16, 2018 Mary McCormick, SCNY opened the meeting, thanking the Halifax congregation for the dinner cruise the evening before. Pat Wilson, SCH led the Federation in prayer, which included a Danish video, All that We Share, about seeing beyond differences to the commonalities among people. Joan Cook,

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