Joined Together in the Mission of Charity

Leavenworth shelter serves homeless during pandemic

From left: Paula Cathey, day manager; Linda Martin, COO; and Sister Vickie Perkins, director at Leavenworth Interfaith Community of Hope. Photo Peggy Bair/Heart KC

Sister Vickie Perkins, SCL, is director of the Interfaith Community of Hope in Leavenworth, Kansas. The shelter is working with the community and the Leavenworth Health Department to continue to serve the homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic. In compliance with the stay-at-home order, both she and Sister Pat Johanssen are staying with one of the other shelter workers so they can continue their ministry.

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  1. Reply
    Richard Tomlin says:

    How can I help you with your service of the homeless in Leavenworth? My wife, sister and I would like to volunteer at your facility.

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