Sister Fay Trombley, SCIC ministers in northern Canada

Seeking Healing & Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

Through awareness, advocacy, prayer and ritual, Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (SCIC) and Associates seek to participate in the process of healing and reconciliation with Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal refers to Indigenous peoples as well as Métis peoples who are of mixed Indigenous and European ancestry. A 2015

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Who will be the next Secretary General of the United Nations

Who will be the next Secretary-General of the UN?

The United Nations is now 70 years old: What kind of person would we like to see as the next Secretary-General (SG) of the United Nations? The SG’s role is to be “equal parts diplomat and advocate, civil servant and CEO. The Secretary-General is a symbol of United Nations ideals and

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Regina Bechtle Sisters of Charity New York

A Reflection: Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Birthday

“Hope, ever awake, whispers Mercy for the future, as sure as the past.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust in God’s ever-present mercy marked every day of Elizabeth’s life. Her birthday would have brought special reasons for “gratitude to God for having made me what I am,” and reasons for

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Sister Paula Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Pray for Sisters found dead in Mississippi

Charity family, We regretfully inform you that earlier today, Sister Paula Merrill with the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, and Sister Margaret Held with the School Sisters of St. Francis, were found dead in their shared home in Durant, Mississippi. The Durant police and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation are investigating. Please pray

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Recovering after Hurricane Earl

Hurricane Earl, which made landfall south of Belize City just after being upgraded to a Category 1 Hurricane on August 4, resulted in major flooding in the central and coastal areas of Belize. Belize City and surrounding villages were among the most affected. Sister Carlette Gentle and five other Sisters

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Seton Hill sisters in Ecuador

Journey to Ecuador for the Seton Hill sisters

Every summer, sisters from the US and Korean provinces of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill participate in an Interprovincial Experience of Charism and Ministry (IECM), which includes a 10-day immersion experience living and working in Pedro Carbo, Ecuador. The Seton Hill congregation has five sisters missioned there at

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Charity Federation Archivists

Archives: You Never Know What You’ll Find

“Going down into the archives, you never know what you’re going to find.” Dee Gallo, Provincial Archivist for the Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise, has been working in the archives of the Emmitsburg, Maryland campus for five years, retrieving old photographs, letters and historical documents that relate to

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Sisters of Saint Martha have a new home

New Facility to be built across from the present Motherhouse After a lengthy and thorough process, the Sisters of Saint Martha are now able to move forward with a permanent solution for members of their congregation currently living in long term care at Bethany Motherhouse. The Sisters of Saint Martha currently hold

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United Nations flags

The UN and You: Ensuring No One is Left Behind

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will be meeting at the United Nations in New York from July 11- 20, 2016. It is the central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted at the United Nations Sustainable

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Sisters call for prayer and fasting leading up to U.S. Elections

The Sisters of Charity Federation members at their recent meetings committed themselves to joining in prayer and fasting for wisdom and discernment as the U.S. moves toward the national elections. As a Congregation, and as a collective of Congregations, we feel impelled to enter into deep prayer for all of

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