Charity Federation Retreat

“Charity Friendship: Deepening Our Relationships through Contemplative Conversations” was the theme of the Charity Federation Grassroots Retreat, Sept. 11-16,  hosted by Marillac Center, the spirituality center of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs), Leavenworth, Kan. Participants included 26 SCLs and eight sisters from other Charity Federation communities. Sister Judith

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Traditions Fill SCL 160th Anniversary Observance

From start to the finish, the Aug. 1 observance of the 160thanniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs) resounded with traditions. Theme for the one-day celebration was “Moments of Grace.” The day began with morning prayer in Annunciation Chapel followed by Mass. The prayer included

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Canadian Catholics Grapple with a History of “Whitewashing” Indigenous Children

“Last spring, when the wikuom was erected at the University of Mount St. Vincent, Ms. Martin held a visiting chair in the women’s studies department at the school, founded by the Sisters of Charity in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1873. The prayers she offered were for the victims and survivors of

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Day 4: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time

Daily update: June 16, 2018 Mary McCormick, SCNY opened the meeting, thanking the Halifax congregation for the dinner cruise the evening before. Pat Wilson, SCH led the Federation in prayer, which included a Danish video, All that We Share, about seeing beyond differences to the commonalities among people. Joan Cook,

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Federation Statement

We, the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America, support the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ statement that separating children from their mothers and fathers at the United States/Mexico border is immoral. Protecting the integrity of families is foundational for a healthy and just society. We also cry out against the recent

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Day 2: Creating a Shared Future — Now is the Time

Daily update: Thursday, June 14, 2018 Deborah Humphreys, SCSE opened the meeting by introducing facilitator, Florence Hee, OSF. Florence outlined the process for the meeting, reminding the leadership of the Intentions: “ Through contemplative dialogue and deep listening we, as Federation will: Continue to identify and honor the diversity among

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Day 1: Creating a Shared Future … Now is the Time

Daily update: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 As Sisters representing 14 congregations gathered in Halifax for the Sisters of Charity Federation Leadership Gathering, Maryanne Ruzzo, SCH introduced the members of the planning committee and the Sisters of Charity Halifax and their support staff. After recognizing the Mi’kmaw nation, the aboriginal people

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Sister of Charity on Panel at UN

Sister Melissa Camardo, SCL, had the incredible opportunity to speak on a panel with world leaders in the movement to eradicate human trafficking during a meeting at the United Nations on May 22. Co-sponsored by the Holy See and the Santa Marta group, the event’s title was “Police and Religious

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