Day 4: Hazard Yet Forward

Sister Deborah Humphreys, SC-StE welcomed the Sisters to the fourth day of the Federation annual meeting. After introductions at the table, Sister Florence Hee, OSF presented the theme of the morning prayer and faith sharing: confronting racism. In the first session of the morning, Seton Heritage Ministries Board Chair Sister

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Day 3: Hazard Yet Forward

On Saturday morning, June 3, 2017, Sister Mary McCormick, SCNY welcomed the Sisters for the third day of the Federation annual meeting. Facilitator Sister Florence Hee, OSF led the morning prayer and faith sharing session. Sister Mary started the first session of the day with a reminder of the three intentions

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Sister Teresa Kotturan SCN

Day 2: Hazard Yet Forward

Following the morning liturgy, Kathy Byrnes, SCNY welcomed Sisters and Federation NGO representative and liaisons from the congregations to the first full day of the Sisters of Charity Federation annual meeting. Jaime Carrera, Westchester Marriott, spoke of the corporate initiative to train staff in identifying human trafficking. Sister Kathy introduced

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Federation Opening Ritual

Day 1: Hazard Yet Forward

Sixty-nine leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America are gathering from June 1st to 5th, 2017 in Tarrytown, NY for their annual meeting. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of Charity in the United States and Canada. Earlier in

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2017 Sisters of Charity Federation annual meeting in New York

Federation Annual Meeting Starts in One Week

Sixty-nine leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America will gather in Tarrytown, New York June 1-5 for their 2017 Annual Leadership Meeting, hosted this year by the Sisters of Charity of New York. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters

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European Parliament to host reception honoring the 400th anniversary of Vincentian Charism

The Press Office of the international religious family of St. Vincent de Paul is pleased to share this news of the continuing celebration of the 400th Anniversary of its founding. (PHILADELPHIA: Vincentian Family Office) Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, announced that he will host a ceremony honoring the

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The Good (Samaritan) Muslim refugees

Sister Tracy Kemme, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, writes for Global Sisters Report: The Somali family of 11 arrived to us on a Friday afternoon in early April. We watched in wonder as person after person climbed out of the hefty Catholic Charities van amid grocery bags and beat-up suitcases. Peering

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Forced Labor & The Role We Can Play to End It

No continent or country is free of some form of forced labor. Elimination of forced labor is a challenge to governments around the world. Labor traffickers use force, fraud and coercion to lure vulnerable people with promises of high-paying jobs to work against their will. Extreme poverty, lack of employment,

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Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Louise de Marillac Feast Day Prayer

The suffering of so many of our sisters and brothers who seek a life of freedom from poverty, war, violence and slavery of any kind is overwhelming. In the face of this we are called to live the charism of charity more openly and urgently than ever. One of the

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Production Concludes on TV Series Pilot based on Sister Blandina

Production recently concluded on the pilot of the television series “At the End of the Santa Fe Trail,” based on the life of Servant of God and Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, Sister Blandina Segale. Sister Blandina is currently under consideration for beatification and canonization in the Catholic Church. Plans

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