Running to fight human trafficking

Sister of Charity of Leavenworth Melissa Camardo and Associate Elena Miranda were among those participating in LifeWay Network’s 5K Run this past weekend in New York. LifeWay Network, founded in 2007 by Sister Joan Dawber, SC (Halifax), fights human trafficking through education and collaboration, and supports survivors through its Safe

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SCN lay volunteers visit Crow reservation

“Our SCN lay mission volunteers returned home last night from a week of service on the Crow Reservation in Pryor, Montana.” Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky, Luke Boiarski and Ellen Sprigg share their thoughts on the recent volunteer efforts in Montana. Read more/view photos

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Sisters of St. Martha partner in affordable housing project

The Sisters of St. Martha of Prince Edward Island, Canada, have partnered with the federal and provincial governments in the construction of a 60-bed unit affordable housing project in Charlottetown, the island’s capital. The four-story apartment, to be known as Martha Place, will be owned and operated by the King

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Volunteering at the border: Sisters, associates share stories

Written by Sister Patricia Wittberg, SC (Cincinnati), this article is the second in a three-part series on “Sharing the Journey” with the migrants who cross the U.S. border from Central America. To date, at least 34 different congregations of women religious have sent volunteers to the border in the past

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LCWR Calls for End to Gun Violence

The Sisters of Charity Federation fully supports this statement from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. “The recent mass shootings in our country impel us to once again beg all citizens and all elected leaders to end the rampant rage and division that have overpowered the nation and too often

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Federation members speak at Conference on the History of Women Religious

A short summary of the recent Conference on the History of Women Religious from Sister Regina Bechtle, SC: Sisters and Daughters of Charity were prominent among panel presenters at the recent Conference on the History of Women Religious, June 23-26, sponsored by Notre Dame’s Cushwa Center at St. Mary’s College,

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Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati install new leadership team

The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati celebrated the installation of their newly elected Leadership Team during liturgy Saturday, June 29, 2019, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse. The team was elected during the 2019 Sisters of Charity Chapter, held March 31–April 5, 2019, at the

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SCNJ Statement on Detainees at U.S. Border

The Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey, have released the following public statement regarding the treatment of children and families at the U.S./Mexico border: The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth affirm the dignity of all persons. In light of this fundamental belief and our charism

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Sister Laura’s SAFE place a success in Charlottetown, PEI

News from the Sisters of St. Martha of Prince Edward Island CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — Sr. Laura Kelly is succeeding in her goal of providing a comfortable gathering spot for people with addictions to safely socialize in the evening. Kelly took leave from her job as an addiction counsellor with Health

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Sisters of St. Martha elect new leaders

The Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, have announced the election of their new congregational leadership team for 2019-2024. Above (from left): Sister Joanne O’Regan, CSM, councillor; Sister Florence Kennedy, CSM, councillor; Sister Brendalee Boisvert, CSM, congregation leader; Sister Donna Brady, CSM, councillor and assistant Leader. The

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