The Sisters of Charity Federation Vocation Core Team consisting of Sisters Tracy Kemme, SC (Cincinnati); Chris Kunze, SCN, and Regina Hlavac, DC (St. Louise) hosted a wonderful discernment retreat April 29 to May 1 at the House of Charity in New Orleans! Four young women joined us for this event.
On Friday evening, we shared part of our vocation stories with one another. The young women always enjoy hearing vocation stories of the sisters.
On Saturday morning, we had a visit from the three Charity founders, namely, Vincent, Louise and Elizabeth Ann (a.k.a. us in silly costumes) and prayed with “putting out in the deep” (Lk 5:4) by Lake Pontchartrain. Then on Saturday afternoon, we did SoulCollage to access our inner wisdom. In the evening, we went to Mass at the Cathedral, dinner, and Cafe du Monde in the French Quarter.
On Sunday morning, the discerners shared what is blooming in each of them because of the weekend and how they are feeling called to follow Jesus (Jn 21:19). Then, we sent them off with a commissioning ritual and blessing with a promise of our prayer for each of them. It was a wonderful, prayerful group of women, and the retreat was very meaningful because of their openness and their willingness to share so deeply and trustingly.
We’re so grateful to Monica, Peg, and Patty at the House of Charity for their amazing hospitality. Please pray for the four participants — Liz, Mary, Miriam, and Teresa — in their continued discernment journey. And thanks for your prayers for the vocation team as well.
Sister Regina Hlavac, DC (St. Louise)