Charity Speaks: New web site offers oral histories of sisters

Sisters of Charity Federation archivists have compiled oral histories of sisters into an interactive, searchable online digital archives. The new web site address is Casey Bowser, archivist for the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, describes Charity Speaks as a “collaborative, international, and inter-congregational project to promote

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Sister Blandina Wellness Gardens Dedicated

On Sunday, July 18, 2021, the people of Trinidad, Colorado, celebrated the dedication of the Sister Blandina Wellness Gardens, a community wellness park in tribute to Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Blandina Segale. Created by Pueblo-born sculptor Fred Darpino, a 5-foot, 4-inch life-size statue of Sister Blandina is the garden’s

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Leadership Meeting June 2021 Day One

June 9, 2021 At noon Eastern time, Sisters of Charity Federation executive director Sister Grace Hartzog, SC welcomed more than 90 participants to the federation’s first virtual leadership meeting. Leadership team members from 14 congregations, NGO liaisons, and Federation Formation Team members gathered via Zoom videoconferencing, with the goal of

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Leadership Meeting June 2021 Day Three

June 11, 2021 Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, welcomed congregational leaders to another day of virtual learning and sharing. Congregational leaders had the opportunity to participate in discussions within the whole as well as to meet together in mixed groups and with their own teams. Sister Grace gave a short summary

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Leadership Meeting June 2021 Day Two

Thursday, June 10 Sister Joan Campbell, CSM, welcomed leaders and Federation Formation Team members to the third session of the Sisters of Charity Federation leadership meeting at noon Eastern time. Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, facilitator, offered an opening prayer. Next was a report by Sister Grace Hartzog, SC (Seton Hill),

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Sisters of Charity respond to crisis in India

“India and Nepal are hurting right now. Reports directly from our Sisters and the daily news reports describe how the second surge of COVID-19 is devastating lives and overwhelming systems. The statistics of lives lost and those impacted are staggering. Our hearts go out to all who are suffering. Our

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Statement from U.S. Daughers of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

As women of faith, grounded in our Christian belief that all people are made in the image of God, we, the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, USA, decry recent events of violence and hatred against the Asian American/Pacific Islander community. Each act of hate and discrimination is

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Sister Joan Dawber featured in podcast

“This is not something I do; this is God’s work.” Sister Joan Dawber, SC (Halifax) describes her experience of being called, through prayer, to a new ministry helping survivors of human trafficking. Sister Maxine Kollasch, IHM, of A Nun’s Life Ministry, interviews Sister Joan in a recent podcast. Listen to

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House of Charity feeding souls

Literally. With gallons of red beans and rice and mac and cheese, all made by loving hands in the House of Charity kitchen and delivered in person (while observing COVID precautions). Sisters Monica Gundler, SC (Cincinnati); Peg Johnson, SCL; Vivien Linkhauer, SC (Seton Hill) and Patty Huffman, DC (St. Louise

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