Looking forward to 2021!
The Charity Moving Forward (formerly 1970s and Beyond) Planning Committee has reserved July 15-18, 2021 for a gathering at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The committee has expressed hope for an in-person gathering, while acknowledging the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic and its challenges. Please save the dates for this important event! The opening ritual will be July 15 at 7 p.m. and the closing ritual at noon on July 18. A message has been emailed to sisters entering religious life in 1970 or later.
Charity Moving Forward Planning Committee
Sister Regina Hlavac, DC (St. Louise)
Sister Gertie Jocksch, SC (Halifax)
Sister Annie Klapheke, SC (Cincinnati)
Sister Michelle Loisel, DC (St. Louise)
Sister Jovita MacPherson, CSM (Antigonish)
Sister Pat Poole, SCIC
Sister Grace Hartzog, SC (Seton Hill), SC Federation Executive Director
Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, Facilitator
Susan Oxley, SC Federation Communications Coordinator