The worldwide Vincentian Family


January 2016 International Vincentian Family Gathering in Rome

The Sisters of Charity Federation of North America is part of the international Vincentian Family, a collaborative network of more than 2 million people worldwide. FamVin includes religious congregations, lay associations and young adult and youth volunteers who follow the rule and spirituality of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac. The Vincentian Family particularly engages and serves persons living in poverty.

The Federation collaborates with the Vincentian Family at the international, North American and local levels in governance, spirituality, communications, social justice, board representation, training for systemic change, formation, leadership meetings, Vincentian Family Gatherings and multiple areas of service of marginalized persons. 

The Vincentian Family Social Justice Representatives of North America meet on conference calls to discuss social issues of concern. Participants represent Ladies of Charity, Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the USA and Canada, Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian young adults and lay missionaries, and the Sisters of Charity Federation.


The Vincentian Family Young Adults catch the charism during their time at Vincentian / Setonian colleges and universities, year-long and summer volunteer programs, Vincentian Marian Youth, and service opportunities. At the 2015 Vincentian Family Gathering, the young adults began to organize themselves more formally under the leadership of Mike Van Dorpe at DePaul University Office of Mission and Values and an evolving Advisory Committee.

The Vincentian Family Leadership of North America meets annually and includes congregational leaders of the Congregation of the Mission, the Sisters of Charity Federation, and the Missionary Cenacle Family. Presidents/ CEOs represent the Society of St. Vincent dePaul of the US and Canada, Ladies of Charity USA, Depaul USA, and Vincentian young adults.

Leadership from the branches of the Vincentian Family around the world meet every two years. National and regional Vincentian Family leadership coordinate communication among the branches, sharing of spirituality and systemic change resources, shared ministries, and advocacy and social justice initiatives.

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