Leadership Meeting June 2021 Day Three
June 11, 2021 Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, welcomed congregational leaders to another day of virtual learning and sharing. Congregational leaders had the opportunity to participate in discussions within the whole as well as to meet together in mixed groups and with their own teams. Sister Grace gave a short summary
Leadership Meeting June 2021 Day Two
Thursday, June 10 Sister Joan Campbell, CSM, welcomed leaders and Federation Formation Team members to the third session of the Sisters of Charity Federation leadership meeting at noon Eastern time. Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, facilitator, offered an opening prayer. Next was a report by Sister Grace Hartzog, SC (Seton Hill),
EarthConnection offers free webinars
EarthConnection is offering webinars in the coming weeks on various topics related to the environment and care of the Earth. Presenters include sisters and justice coordinators from the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Sisters of Charity of New York, and the Sisters of Charity
Sisters of Charity Halifax announce new leadership team
The Sisters of Charity-Halifax held their 22nd General Chapter meeting Oct. 12-16. One hundred Sisters from Canada and the United States met virtually, via Zoom videoconferencing. Sisters of the Congregation elected a five-member Congregational Leadership Team for 2020 – 2026. The congregational leader is Sister Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick, and the
Emerging stronger from the pandemic: A message from leaders of Canada’s religious communities
The second wave of COVID-19 is spreading and forcing us to make new efforts of solidarity. Like you, we have gone through the last months of the pandemic facing the same challenges as you have been facing. The outbreaks in our infirmaries and residences have caused us to lose sisters
Spring break at the House of Charity
Students from the University of St. Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas, are in New Orleans this week at the House of Charity, participating in a service project. Joining them are sisters from several federation member congregations. There is time for work and time for play, as you can see from the photos!
Catholic Sisters Week March 8-14
The sixth annual Catholic Sisters Week is March 8-14, 2020. This time is set aside to recognize women religious for their dedicated work with the poor and marginalized in education, social services, and health care. Catholic sisters are committed to caring for our Earth and promoting social justice issues that
CCFP meets in New York
The Company of Charity Formation Personnel (CCFP) met this week at Bishop Malloy Retreat House in Jamaica Estates, New York. Participants included vocation ministers, formation directors, and associate directors from Sisters of Charity Federation congregations in the United States and Canada. The first day’s agenda included orientation for new members,
World Day for Consecrated Life
“In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed
Reflections on Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Join us live on Facebook for reflections on Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint and founder of the Sisters of Charity. Elizabeth was also a wife and widowed mother of five children who converted to Catholicism. On the occasion of her feast day, January 4, Sisters Ellen, Maryanne,