Leadership meeting June 15
Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish Theresa Parker, CSM, and Catherine MacGillivray, CSM, led the prayer for the third day of the SC Federation leadership meeting. Following prayer, facilitor Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ, presented a recap of decisions made the previous day. Online retreats: A committee would be needed to
Leadership meeting June 14
The second full day of the SC Federation leadership meeting began with a welcome from Sister Judy Mertz, SC, and a prayer video presented by Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish Claudette Gallant. Facilitator Pat Kozak, CSJ, gave an overview of the day, and encouraged the group to continue to
Leadership meeting June 13
The Sisters of Charity Federation leaders gathered for the first official day of the leadership meeting in Antigonish. Sister Joanne O’Regan, CSM, introduced staff from their congregation who are assisting with the meeting. The leadership team of the Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish began the day with prayer and
Leaders arrive in Antigonish for annual meeting
More than 70 leaders from 13 congregations of the Sisters of Charity Federation are gathering this week in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada for the annual leadership meeting. This year’s meeting is hosted by the Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish and the Sisters of St. Martha of Prince Edward Island.
New York sisters vote on completion
Last Thursday, the Sisters of Charity of New York sent a news release announcing their decision not to accept new members to the U.S. congregation. Read the announcement and comments on the SCNY web site Sister Sherryl White, CSJ, facilitated the SCNY discrete assembly session on April 13, where the
Virtual Discernment Night May 7
The Sisters of Charity Federation Vocation Team is hosting a virtual Discernment Night on Sunday, May 7 for single, Catholic women to explore religious life in the Charity charism. You are invited to join the conversation from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Eastern! Our topic is “For richer or poorer… Pondering
Celebrate Mother Seton’s Feast Day
Celebrate Mother Seton’s Feast Day on Jan. 4 this year by attending the special Feast Day Mass celebrated by Archbishop William E. Lori or watch the live broadcast at 11a.m EST on EWTN or Salt + Light. Free virtual tours of the historic St. Joseph’s House will also be offered
SC Federation 75th anniversary online exhibit
This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity Federation in Emmitsburg, Maryland. To commemorate this milestone, the archivists of the federation congregations have selected items for an online exhibit, “A History of the Sisters of Charity Federation in Objects.” This new exhibit, which includes
Federation marks transition at the UN
In October, Sisters of Charity Federation staff, NGO liaisons and guests gathered in New Jersey to honor outgoing UN NGO representative Sister Teresa Kotturan, SCN, and to welcome Dr. James (Jimmy) Walters, who will begin serving as SC Federation NGO representative in January 2023. A dinner was held Oct. 14
Charleston sisters begin ‘new chapter’
In 2008, at their chapter, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy took the first step toward historical completion. “We asked ourselves, if a hurricane came, how would we begin anew? What would we take?” The sisters acknowledged three core values: community, ministry, and prayer. With the help