Peace Prayer
“We must pray without ceasing, in every occurrence and employment of our lives — that prayer which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him.” — Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton This is one of my favorite quotes from Elizabeth, and
Faith and Food webinar series
The Sisters of Charity of New York and the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, at their joint assembly in April, decided to continue their commitment to Laudato Sì with a special emphasis on Food Justice. We invite you to the final talk in a four-part series: “Community Supported Agriculture:
Sister Whitney professes perpetual vows
Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Whitney Schieltz professed perpetual vows during a Mass on Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023 in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse (Delhi Township). Sisters, Associates and invited guests were present with Sister Whitney in the chapel for the ceremony. In
New provincial council for Daughters of Charity
On Sept. 2, the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Province of St. Louise, welcomed a new Provincial Council comprised of Sisters Mary Bader, DC, Mary Frances Barnes, DC, Nancy Murphy, DC, Salvatrice Murphy, DC, and Joanne Vasa, DC Under the visitatrix, Sister Teresa George, DC, the council
Reflecting on Charity Moving Forward
An energetic, inspirational, and forward-looking gathering of a segment of the federation was held in July. The “Charity Moving Forward: One Heart, One Spirit” gathering was held at Mariandale Retreat Center in Ossining New York, July 13-16, 2023. It was open to federation members who have entered since 1970 and
Cincinnati associates celebrate 50 years
In September 2023, the associates of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati will commemorate their 50th anniversary. It was on Sept. 5, 1973, that Blasa Rivera made her commitment in Pueblo, Colorado, as the first associate of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. Almost 50 years later, the associate program
Nazareth sisters install new leadership team
A new president and vice president of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth were installed over the weekend at the motherhouse campus in Nazareth, Kentucky, ushering in new guidance and leadership for the congregation’s next five years. Sister Jackulin Jesu, SCN and Sister Amrita Manjaly, SCN, were formally installed during
Cincinnati sisters gift 73 acres to Western Wildlife Corridor
The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati announced the gifting of 73 acres of the Bender Mountain Nature Preserve (located west of the Mount St. Joseph, Ohio, motherhouse property) to the Western Wildlife Corridor, Inc., a Cincinnati-based nonprofit nature conservancy land trust. It is the single largest gift received by the
Discernment retreat opportunity
Are you a single, Catholic women interested in discerning religious life in the Charity charism? The Sisters of Charity Federation invites you to join us for a Labor Day retreat Sept. 1-4, 2023, at the House of Charity, New Orleans! You’ll experience prayer, sharing, meals, fun, and service with other
Leadership meeting June 16
A “Prayer and Blessing for Safe Travels” began the day as the leaders boarded the bus and cars to travel from Antigonish to Prince Edward Island. They boarded the Northumberland Ferry for a crossing to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island with an opportunity to take another view of the magnificent country.