2016 Annual Leadership Meeting
June 15-19, 2016 in Emmitsburg, Maryland
One hundred leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America are gathered in Emmitsburg, MD for their 2016 Annual Leadership Meeting. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of Charity in the United States and Canada. This page contains all the videos, photos, stories and activities going on throughout the day. Find more online using #DeepenCharity.

Day 4: Deepening Charity for the Life of the World
Liturgy was celebrated at 8:00am in the Federation Meeting Room by Reverend Patrick Griffin, C.M. Then Sister Maryanne Ruzzo, SC-H, opened the meeting by thanking the Daughters of Charity for the wonderful day of site visits they organized for the members on Thursday afternoon. The members expressed their appreciation with applause. Prayer included a reflection by Louise Lears, SCC, on the statue, “Hazard, Yet Forward.” After prayer, the CCFP members left to attend their own meeting.
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Day 3: Deepening Charity for the Life of the World
The day began with liturgy celebrated in the Federation Meeting Room by Reverend Patrick Griffin, C.M. After a short break, Sister Kathleen Byrnes, a member of the Planning Committee, invited Sister Rosemary MacDonald, CSM PEI, to tell of her experience of being a first-time attendee at a Federation meeting. Sister Rosemary gave a very brief history of her congregation, noting that at this point in its history it is seeking collaboration and networking which is a goal of the Federation. She thanked the Federation for inviting Sister Frances Johnston, CSM PEI, and herself to the meeting.
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Day 2: Deepening Charity for the Life of the World
The Federation meeting opened last night at 7:00pm on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 with a welcome by the Daughters of Charity and by Sister Jean Rhoads, DC, chair of the Planning Committee. After practical housekeeping items, she noted two new exhibits prepared by the Federation archivists and a new exhibit by Seton Heritage Ministries on how sisters are ministering today. Sister Jean introduced Sister Mary Jordan, a Franciscan Missionary Sister of Africa, facilitator of this Federation meeting. The members of each congregation introduced themselves individually, and Sister Jean introduced members of the Planning Committee and support personnel.
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Day 1: Deepening Charity for the Life of the World
One hundred leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America are gathered in Emmitsburg, MD for their Annual Meeting. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of Charity in the United States and Canada. Sister Teresa Kotturan, Sister of Charity of Nazareth KY, Federation NGO Representative at the United Nations, is meeting with liaisons from each congregation to explore and present ways to better collaborate on justice issues, especially the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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