“Charity Friendship: Deepening Our Relationships through Contemplative Conversations” was the theme of the Charity Federation Grassroots Retreat, Sept. 11-16, hosted by Marillac Center, the spirituality center of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs), Leavenworth, Kan. Participants included 26 SCLs and eight sisters from other Charity Federation communities. Sister Judith Metz, SC, gave talks each morning on the virtues practiced by St. Vincent, St. Louise and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Sister Alice Ann O’Neill, SC, presented guidelines for “contemplative conversations, and then participants chose partners to practice these guidelines. Each evening, the sisters gathered for faith-sharing based on what they had learned during the day. All agreed that it was a wonderful experience, and many are looking forward to the Assembly of the Whole gathering of the Charity Federation in Chicago in June 2019.
Photos and content provided by Sister Donna Jean Henson, SCL