Joined Together in the Mission of Charity

Financed and Fabulous: House of Charity Build

With the help of the Federation’s 12 sister congregations, volunteers and friends, the House of Charity New Orleans has raised enough money to surpass their goal of $25,000! In partnership with the St. Bernard Project, the money will finance the rebuilding of Pamela’s house in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed thousands of homes in 2005.

Homeowner Pamela is a mother of two and bought her first home in 2000. After Katrina hit, her house was deemed uninhabitable. Pamela and her daughter Nylah have moved a total of nine times since the storm, staying with friends and family. Desperate to move home, Pamela turned her Road Home funds over to a fraudulent contractor. She then pursued grant money to finance rebuilding, but the city required a lengthy process to elevate her home and her grant expired before renovations were completed. “It has been so hard to depend on the kindness of others, and at times, there have been unhealthy living situations,” Pamela said. “Not having to live out of crates would be a blessing.” It has been 10 years since Hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf coast and flooded over 80% of New Orleans. It’s time for her to come home.

The dream to provide both the volunteer labor and full funding for a specific house is now a reality, and a family will be able to return home because of our collective efforts! In order to do this, the House of Charity would like to extend added opportunities for Sisters and Associates to come to New Orleans and share in this special “Charity Build” time. If you are interested in volunteering, please register at Nuns Build volunteers may sign-up by e-mailing

House of Charity volunteers

The House of Charity New Orleans was founded in 2010 and is dedicated to serving persons who are living in poverty, helping in rebuilding efforts in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, offering opportunities for vocational discernment, offering volunteer service especially to young adults, and modeling collaboration among Federation sister congregations.


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