Joined Together in the Mission of Charity

Day 1: Deepening Charity for the Life of the World


One hundred leaders of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America are gathered in Emmitsburg, MD for their Annual Meeting. They represent two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of Charity in the United States and Canada.

Sister Teresa Kotturan, Sister of Charity of Nazareth KY, Federation NGO Representative at the United Nations, is meeting with liaisons from each congregation to explore and present ways to better collaborate on justice issues, especially the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


The 70 elected leaders and 24 leaders involved in vocation promotion, formation, directors of Associates and volunteers will develop the theme of Deepening Charity for the Life of the World.

A survey conducted in January engaged 533 Sisters, Associates and Affiliates around ways to build upon their 68-year history that includes the canonization of St. Elizabeth Seton, development of spiritual and formation resources and events, the office at the UN and collaborative ministries in response to those living in poverty. The respondents articulated bold new choices that will impel the Federation into their shared future.


The Federation will affirm its deepening relationship with Seton Heritage Ministries and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton at a Eucharistic celebration with Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore on Saturday, June 18 at 5 PM at the Basilica in Emmitsburg.

The meeting is hosted by the two North American provinces of the Daughters of Charity.

For more information, contact Sister Eileen at


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